Swedish search
During DZC 1 I held several tournaments and one type I really liked was the variation in DZC that came with the "pure" missions. Now that have changed as I think DZC 2 really need to have mixed objectives as Target's is such a fast mission. But back then I usually had the following missions (in no special order):
1. Target's of opportunity or Military complex.
2. Focal points or spearhead or Bunker assault.
3. Recon or swedish recon.
4. Hold ground or the Swedish hold ground.
5. Swedish Search.
The overall result was that players were forced to have a good balance in their armies. Sure, they could demo in some missions, but that would suffer a lot in others. You could have a lot of infantry, but those would have suffered in missions where it was a question to hold specific points. And so on. I really liked this. Many times, I changed nr 2 or 4 to a mixed mission with critical locations or focal points together with Mobile Hidden Objectives. But most likely you have noticed the important part:
"What is Swedish search?" No one asked.
"Tell me more about Swedish Search!" A person with no interest of it never asked.
"It sounds awesome as it is both Swedish and Search in the same mission!" A completely made-up person stated.
Well, since you are so eager, let me tell you about it.